How to create partition(Change,add or remove) a drive in yourwindows laptop withoutformatting your system?
And Change drive Name Like Local Disk(D:) To Local Disk (E:)/ Local Disk(F:)/Local Disk(G:)/ Local Disk(S:) :- 1.Right click on my computer and select "Manage" Or Go to the Start button, click on Control Panel, click on System and Maintenance, click on Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Computer Management. 2. In the Navigation pane, click Disk Management. 3.Right-click on the partition or drive that you want to change and then click Change Drive Letter and Paths.For Changing the Drive Name 4.For Partition Right-click the partition or drive that you want to change or modify, and then click on Shrink Volume And Enter the amount of Space to Shrink After the shrink Volume Right-click on the New partition and create new Volume.
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